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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

✨ Introducing Boo! → https://boo.ai

Boo’s a minimalist, AI-based text editor for copywriting, note-taking, brainstorming, and all-around AI tinkering.

Think of it as Superhuman for AI, or Copilot for copywriting.

It loads fast, drops you right into the editor, and stays out of your way. Everything’s accessible via keyboard shortcut, and the UI fades away while you write.

We’re live on Product Hunt today, so any feedback/votes/shares would be hugely appreciated! 💜

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I’m so excited to announce that Spoke is now open to the public! We started working on Spoke over a year and a half ago, in order to build a simpler way to manage workplace requests. It’s been an incredible journey so far, and we’re just getting started. Check it out and sign up for a free 30-day trial!

ticketing work announcement
Technology is embedded into everything now, no industry left untouched—there’s money to be made, new empires to be created!—and that process is long, slow, repetitive. Laying the groundwork and infrastructure to move a lot faster later. The thing is, though, this thinking is so small. Painfully small. A slice of a market segment of another slice of another slice and so on. It’s all perfectly reasonable, but it’s not enough.
Higher Standards, Rebekah Cox
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The car does, more or less, have it. It stays true around the first bend. Near the end of the second, the Acura suddenly veers near an SUV to the right; I think of my soon-to-be-fatherless children; the car corrects itself. Amazed, I ask Hotz what it felt like the first time he got the car to work.

“Dude,” he says, “the first time it worked was this morning.”

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